
How to Show Up on Top of Google Search Results

How to Show Up on Top of Google Search Results

You must understand the workings of Google ads if you want your website to rank high in Google’s search results. Google displays four paid ads per search on desktop and three on mobile. They must decide which ads get on the first page based on the bid amount, landing page quality, and relevance to the search. There are many strategies you can use to get your website in front customers.

Paid search is the fastest and most efficient way to reach the top of Google

SEO (search engine optimization), is a way to get your website to show up in organic search results. Paid search however, delivers fast, quantifiable results. With paid search, consumers aren’t faced with a lengthy sales process, and they are searching for products or services they are already interested in. Paid search advertising is a great way to get your website noticed for specific keywords.

Links to internal resources

Internal links can help you boost your rankings on Google. Google bots will index pages and links that are easy to index. A proper internal architecture will allow the bots to access pages that are not often visited. Your website’s overall ranking will be improved by using internal links to increase its ranking. Google and John Mueller both acknowledged this importance of internal links. They both emphasized the importance of internal links to improve SEO.

Featured snippets

If you want to increase your online traffic, you must learn how to make the most of featured snippets for Google search results marketing. Unlike other search results marketing strategies, featured snippets don’t contain subjective opinions or statements, and they focus on data and statistics. This gives the viewer an objective view of the information they are looking for. Although it can be a challenge to achieve high rankings on Google, the help of an expert SEO can make it easier.

Tweets in SERPs

With the recent Twitter-Google agreement, businesses will have a new opportunity to increase the visibility of their tweets in search results. Although content will always be king, the inclusion of tweets in Google search results means that search optimization becomes even more important. Businesses will need to integrate both social and search marketing into their strategies to make the most of the new opportunity. In particular, businesses will need to incorporate high-value keywords within tweets.


Using microsites can help your website show up at the top of Google search results. These separate sites can be optimized to optimize for specific keywords and phrases, and they can become “owned” by your company in the natural search results. People to People had problems with their program in terms of search visibility as well as enrollments. However, their self-contained website solved all these issues. Hanekamp and his team designed a microsite around “student ambassadors” keywords and optimized it to include the term in its title tag, URL, and URL.